swingers social meeting in Algarve

The First Date

Date: July 1, 2023
Time: 20:00 - 23:30
Location: Carvoeiro

Get ready for an unforgettable night at “The First Date” swingers’ social meeting (not a play party) in Carvoeiro. Join us on Saturday, 1st of July, 8pm for a night filled with fun and excitement. Whether you are a seasoned swinger or just curious, this is the perfect event for you. The meet-up will be held at a venue located in Carvoeiro and the precise location and venue name will be revealed in a mail to ticket holders nearer the day.

So, don’t miss out on “The First Date” and start your weekend off right. We simply can’t wait to see you there!

Limited early bird tickets still available. Your entry ticket includes a complimentary drink of your choice. It will be an international event, we can speak English, German, Polish and Spanish – for the rest there’s always sign language!

The event is open for couples and singles, however, we will ensure an equal balance of singles, so single guy tickets will only be released from the waitlist when the numbers allow.

If you would like to know more about our swingers social meeting in Algarve, please see FAQ or contact us.