Swinger Social Tips

Our sexy social gatherings aim to provide a relaxed setting for couples and singles to meet face-to-face, free from any of the pressures sometimes associated with one-to-one meets. However, we understand that coming to a swinger event, especially for the first time, can still be a nerve-wracking experience so we’ve come up with a few swinger social tips, which we hope you will find both helpful and reassuring.

  1. Arrive Early: While the temptation to have a few drinks before you come along may be strong, especially for newcomers seeking to calm their nerves, arriving at the start of the event is highly recommended. Sometimes people who arrive later can find themselves feeling a little isolated as it can seem like everyone else has already formed connections and, If you’re a bit shy or anxious, joining a larger group can be a bit overwhelming. By making the effort to come along earlier you can meet new people as they arrive, this can help break the ice and allow for easier and more natural interactions. We, as hosts, will also have more time earlier in the evening to chat with you, help make you feel at ease and answer any questions you might have.
  2. Engage with Others: The primary goal of the evening is to meet new people. Therefore, even if you hit it off with a particular couple or single, we encourage you to introduce yourselves to multiple attendees. Try to connect with everyone present. Remember, nobody will take offence if you circulate, or you can of course choose to circulate with your newfound friends. You can always exchange messages and plan to meet those special people at a later date. To facilitate this, we typically create a private Telegram group for each of our events, which we invite everyone to join. Each group is open for a few days before the event and will remain active for a few weeks after in order to give people the opportunity to connect and flirt with other attendees. And remember of course, engaging in conversation doesn’t necessarily imply you’ve an immediate interest in getting intimate (although it might lead to that) so what have you got to lose! With a diverse group of interesting people present and the opportunity for genuine human interaction, take the chance to have fun and make some sexy new connections!
  3. Consider Seating Wisely: Depending on the venue, perhaps think twice about immediately taking a seat if your intention is to socialise and mingle. When you enter and immediately sit away from others, it can give the impression that you wish to be left alone and are happy just observing the scene. If you’re feeling shy, position yourself closer to the bar or in areas where conversation is more likely to happen or come and chat to one of us organisers. We’re more than happy to set you at ease and make introductions. At social events, you’ll usually be able to identify us by our yellow wristbands.
  4. Show Respect: We all share open-minded perspectives as swingers, or potential swingers, looking to meet like-minded individuals. However, everyone has their own boundaries and viewpoints, so it’s crucial to respect others.

In summary, our sexy social gatherings offer a comfortable, friendly and welcoming environment for people to meet and forge meaningful connections. We hope you found our swinger social tips useful and that they will help you make the most of your experience and, of course, please feel free to send us your own!

If you are new to the lifestyle, you may find these links useful: SDC advise section, Shame Less Society, Open House.